Friday, 25 January 2013

The Wonder of Science


In 2013, we have decided to continue with a theme for each term to inspire ideas for activities and outings.  Term 1 is Science.  From an organisational perspective, the themes have really helped with planning and having some continuity with the activities planned.  Some themes we explored last year were food, and art (LOTS of fun, and a challenge for some of us)...

The science activites we have planned include:

Ten Pin Bowling (physics, right?)
Wonderous Water
Science in the Kitchen
Botany Day
Science with Music
Adventures in Anatomy
Further Adventures in Anatomy
Your Amazing Senses
Crystal Caves

Most of the days will include several 'stations' with demonstrations, experiments, activities, presentations by visiting professionals and shared resources.  This co-operative learning will be aimed at all ages from toddlers through to teenagers - so a lot of planning and preparation has gone into this term!

And as usual, we will take the opportunity to be together, share some food and fun and laughs.  ATHENS is as much about support and friendship as education.