Dinosaur Trail Camp
Kronosaurus Korner Trip - http://www.kronosauruskorner.com.au/
Dates: The
week running Monday 4th - Sunday 10th June 2018, with the tour of Flinders Discovery
Centre Tuesday 5th June and Kronosaurus Museum on Wednesday 6th
June. The general idea is that families
will travel over the preceding days and then we will visit the museum and dig
site Wednesday 6th June.
Richmond Lakeview Caravan Park - http://www.richmondlakeviewcaravanpark.com.au/
Museum Experience: Museum tour and dig - $25 pp
(adults also pay this price). The 1.5hr tour includes a theatre presentation, a
guided walk through the museum with a Palaeontologist and a fossil preparation
demonstration within the lab. The dig includes discovering, identifying and
collecting 100 million year old fossils (awesome!) and runs 1.5 hrs.
Beach Camp 2018 - Kurrimine Beach
Kurrimine Beach - King Reef Resort - 75 Jacobs Rd, Kurrimine
Beach - Ph: 40656144 https://www.kingreef.com.au/
Dates: Friday 7th – Sunday 9th September 2018.Cost: Prices as per website
Accommodation: The park has a range of accommodation to suit everyone – cabins, hotel style units, powered and unpowered camping sites.
Booking: Please book as early as possible, as September is peak season/busy time of year and the resort will not hold accommodation for us unless it is booked. Families need to call the resort and book individually - 40656144
Lake Tinaroo Camp 2018 - Barrabadeen Activity Centre camp
Camp Barrabadeen - http://www.fnbac.com.au/Dates: Friday 16th – Sunday 18th November 2018.
This year we will be running our annual Tinaroo camp at Camp Barrabadeen - see website for more info. Camp Barrabadeen is a well-established scout camp and offers great camp ground facilities and this camp will also include structured fun and educational activities on the Saturday, run by the accredited sports and recreation facilitator from Barrabadeen – see below for more information.
Facilities: Individual campsites, hot showers, toilets and well-equipped camp kitchen with fridges.
Activities: Full details will be confirmed closer to the time. Tentative details are – full day of activities on the Saturday, for ages 4+, including (some, but not all) abseiling, archery, low ropes course, crate stacking, team building activities and canoeing.
Camping: $16 per family camp kitchen fee, plus camping per person - 13 years and up/adults - $10pp per night, 4-12 years - $5pp per night, under 4yo free.
Day pass: $4 per person – includes use ofl facilities. Families who come for the Saturday can book/access the activities for their children.
Activities: $30 per child for full day of activities.