Sunday, 21 July 2013

Bat Hospital Visit

from Miranda ... 

On 18th July we braved the rain and cold to share a picnic lunch at Platypus Park in Atherton, follow by a visit to the Tolga Bat Hospital. At the bat hospital we learned about micro bats and flying foxes and saw the bats up close. On our tour we saw where the the bats lived, saw them feeding, watched a video and learnt about hand raising the orphaned red flying foxes.

We also learned about the amazing work that Jenny and her team do, including rescue work, looking after the sick/injured/orphaned bats and all the other daily care that they do for the bats.  It was a most worthwhile visit and enjoyed by all.  Thank you Tolga Bat Hospital!


Animals, Animals, Animals

Last term we tried different sports.  Horse riding was cancelled due to weather, but we'll book that again soon.  Beach Camp with the Townsville group was so very much fun!

This term we are looking at animals...

Bat Hospital visit
Wildlife spotting in various locations
Animal Art Workshop
Beach Camp #2
Eagle's Nest Wildlife Refuge
Tableland Veterinary Service
Australian Buffalo Dairy
Wildlife Education Sessions
Pet Show

as well as some athletics, picnics and walks.

The Home Ed Mums will be getting together At The Art Garage in Yungaburra in August for some time-out.