Sunday 25th May
HEMS = Home Ed Mums Support.
At HEMS we discuss upcoming ATHENS meetings - specifics or direction/ideas, as well as homeschooling in general, registration process, resources, parenting solutions... It's also a time to just relax and enjoy each other's company with little distraction.
At a HEMS event we can do anything you like - some felting, some food, some lotions & potions making, some pampering, chatter, clothing swap... Anything you'd like to suggest, do or share.
We will be meeting in Atherton on 25th May.
Babes in arms are welcome (and other breastfed bubs), but we encourage you to make other arrangements for your other children.
*approx $10 for venue hire and materials for activities (in coins would be ideal if possible)
*food to share for lunch (or all-day grazing)
*drinks, teas etc if you like
*a bar of soap to felt on if you like
If you wish to bring an activity/craft to share, and there is cost involved for materials, please let me know by email asap so I can include all costs in the next email invitation. You can also RSVP by email to help with planning.